“Procrastination is the death of all dreams.”

There is no greater resource than time. Unlike most all other resources, i.e., money, information, relationships, time spent is only redeemable by way of the result yielded from the investment of said time. You start, you finish, you get compensated. But whether you start or not, finish or not, within the time allocated for the task, time still marches on. Wasting time impacts us in so many ways that wasting other resources cannot. If you waste money, you can simply repeat the action that you took to get that money initially and replace it. If you are afforded information that gives you an advantage you may leverage that information for an indefinite period, while continuously adding on to it. An advantageous relationship can be lost but it can also be regained or replaced with an even more beneficial one. But time squandered is gone forever, so wasting it is about the most wildly foolish thing you can do, next to wearing gasoline-soaked drawers at a barbecue.