“Make sure that you’re operating out of consciousness and not commoness. – The Mind Plug
The practice of going along to get along begins very early in life. For most it starts at home, with family, especially for those of us with older siblings. As a species (humans) the natural self preservation mechanism drives our need to be included. It’s an important part of our development to be esteemed (valued) in order for us to feel important or worthy. Since children are not sophisticated enough to express an autonomous sense of self, they tend to emulate and follow the examples of those closest and most important to them, so they do and ascribe to the same beliefs and ideas as those important individuals. That is the natural order of a developing being, and has been for many thousands of years. But at what point should that tether be severed so that the individual may become their own person, and not merely a reflection or echo of his or her primary influencers, and why is aspiring to autonomy so important?
My thinking is that far fewer new ideas come about due to many people’s need to be included being prioritized over every other need (it’s up there with oxygen for a large majority). As a result of generations of people operating this way the brain patterns known as neuropathways in a human’s head have gotten to the a point of near total stagnation. As a result we, as a society, have been spinning our mental wheels and have become trapped in the mud of our minds.
It’s good to be able to relate to or at least respect the ideas of others, but it’s GREAT to step into your OWN individual light and shine anew on this dim world.