“Love the process like you love the progress.” β The Mind Plug
Struggle, failure, trial and tribulation suck, everyone who has ever attempted to achieve anything knows that. But only those of us who have persevered know how good it feels to …
Struggle, failure, trial and tribulation suck, everyone who has ever attempted to achieve anything knows that. But only those of us who have persevered know how good it feels to …
Do not be burdened by what life has afforded you by way of your experiences. For it was designed to prepare you for that which lies ahead. Framing your challenges …
There is no greater resource than time. Unlike most all other resources, i.e., money, information, relationships, time spent is only redeemable by way of the result yielded from the investment …
“My concern with the past is what it has taught me. My concern with the future is how I may apply what I have learned. My concern with the present …
Looking for the short-cut in everything and not wanting to go through anything in order to get to something is a formula for sure destruction. Many people talk themselves out …
“We are not the cause of other people’s behaviors, we are only the witness.” βThe Mind Plug Keep in mind the stark fact that one person cannot make another person …
“Make sure that you’re operating out of consciousness and not commoness. β The Mind Plug The practice of going along to get along begins very early in life. For most …
Control of one’s self is by far the most important skill any person will ever develop. Without self-,control one cannot manifest any of the gifts or abilities that nature may …
When a person is without “self-love”, which means they have low/no self-esteem it’s usually due to being neglected, abused or traumatized in some way, during their developmental years when they …